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The Next Successful Revolution will be Gradual

No one wants a violent revolution, and the powers-that-be are likely so firmly entrenched that a 'conventional' revolution (ie. with guns) would be impossible in any event - just another of those hopeless, bloody, cruel fiascos. Consequently, it seems certain that the next successful revolution will be gradual.

It will be a matter of prolonged political education and inch-by-inch clawing back of the power that we - the people, have willingly given to the destructive egoists and to the perverse social dynamics that we daily surrender our natural power to.

It's main battlefields will be, as always - over land and money, but in quite different ways. We will every so gradually buy back the land from the uber-rich with ever-devaluing central currencies, thereby distributing it to smaller and collective holders, with more central commons being reserved for local community agricultural use (as well as recreational use, which is already happening). The result will be a return to a traditional (and natural) human agriculture, controlled by it's users.

As to money, it will still persist - but it's controlling mystery, and therefore it's power - will be gone and it will seen as a simple instrumental abstracting aggregation technique that facilitates supra-barter transactions. If there is one thing that the cryptocurrency phenomenon has taught us, it is that anyone can makes a currency system - anytime and anywhere. That lesson will not be lost, and international capitalism (and capitalism is always international, else it could not transcend the eventual control of honest democratic nation-states) will die the death of a thousand cuts as people realize what they have know all along, that real power lies in their hands and minds.

Further, as the relative value for the dollar diverges between rich and poor (the value of a dollar for a poor person is much, much higher than for that of a rich one), and the poor find themselves able to eke out a living outside of the control of others - and still retain their natural birthright of freedom - then money will lose it's scarcity-driven attraction.

It will have be this way, since if the present dynamics continue unsuccessful violent or similar revolutions will persist until a catalyzing threshold of realization finally occurs. The only issue is how much blood spills before a successful revolution ... ever so slowly, triumphs.


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Last modified: 04-09-24
By: admin