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Realize Where Are We in History

By 'we' I mean my own legal culture, that of Ontario in 2024. 'We' - relatively - are in a privileged and unique position. Yes, I know that many Ontarians are not so positioned, but those many of us who are should not underplay the duties that we owe humanity, and the natural world to influence society progressively.

I view the Ontario jurisdiction - along with several other jurisdictions such as Quebec, BC, New York, California, several European countries, Brazil, Australia, NZ (some perhaps temporarily) - as being at an apex of 'progressive' legal-democratic development. That is, 'we' have reached a closer achievement of progressive/democratic goals than has otherwise been reached, ever. This opinion may jar some readers, particularly those politically-active ones who focus day-to-day on the failings of these states, but ask yourself if there are 'any better' at present - and I believe you will agree.

This opinion comes from the fact that these jurisdictions (and yes, others too) have reached a similar common state of legislative and administrative development, and that the term 'apex' is entirely apt - reflecting a level of ideological achievement only now reached.

This opinion is not one of praise, but of observation, and - if accurate - has the implication that larger jurisdictions and government entities, particularly those of federal governments and international institutions - who lack a native culture of their own, predominantly draw their legislative and administrative personnel from the cultures of these and similar jurisdictions.

Further, while these federal governments and international institutions have technically senior jurisdictions, since they lack a native culture, they are much less culturally integral and socially-coherent than these state/provincial/small-country jurisdictions are. In a very real sense, these ostensibly 'senior' bodies are de facto quite culturally 'junior'.

As well, most would agree that of the two Canadian government levels (provincial and federal), Ontario - and provincial governments like it - are more 'work-horse', more integrally tied up with the lives of it's citizenry - and so more culturally and socially significant.

The upshot of all this, is that 'we' - the uber-privileged legal few in Ontario (and similar jurisdictions) - may be the best that 'we' (as a democratic world), have - so don't underplay your importance. You of all people in time and human culture - owe greater duties to us all. Here at this point of population-extremes, desperate wealth disparity, tragic environmental degradation, unpredictable political fluidity and more - 'we' may be the best we have and commensurately owe the world unique ethical duties.


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Last modified: 04-09-24
By: admin