Wild Animal Law of Canada
Forest and Prairie Protection Act (Alberta)(current to 01 August 2016)
Note Re Application of the Forest and Prairie Protection Act ('FPPA')
The Forest and Prairie Protection Act ('FPPA') has little bearing on wildlife but for some small provisions regarding wildlife habitat and invasive species.
This law bears on the wildlife issues of: The full current text of this legislation (including regulations) may be viewed at the Alberta statute website.______________________________________
Intended primarily as a forest and prairie fire protection statute, the FPPA has minimal application to wildlife issues.
The Minister has broad authority to "carry out on any land any control measures" that they "consider() advisable for the prevention and control of injurious forest tree pest infestations or non‑indigenous invasive species infestations" [FPPA 28]. Presumably this authorizes a pesticide or other extermination undertaking.
Next, a forest officer may "for the purpose of protecting timber, reducing fire hazards or managing wildlife habitat or for any other purpose relating to the administration of this Act, start a fire or cause a fire to be started under the forest officer’s direction" on Crown land. If the circumstances are exigent, they may also start such a fire on other land (ie. private land) [FPPA 29].