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Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act
Coastal Fisheries Protection Act
Fisheries Act
Possession and Export of Elvers Regulations SOR/2024-237
Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations, SOR/93-332
Alberta Fishery Regulations, 1998, SOR/98-246
Aquaculture Activities Regulations, SOR/2015-177
Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations, SOR/2015-121
Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985, SOR/86-21
Authorizations Concerning Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Regulations, SOR/2019-286
Ballast Water Regulations, SOR/2021-120
British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996, SOR/96-137
Conditions for Making Regulations Under Subsection 36(5.2) of the Fisheries Act, Regulations Establishing, SOR/2014-91
Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations, SOR/2011-91
Dogfish Exemption Notice, CRC, c 836
Experimental Lakes Area Research Activities Regulations, SOR/2014-95
Fishery (General) Regulations, SOR/93-53
Fish Health Protection Regulations, CRC, c 812
Fish Toxicant Regulations, SOR/88-258
Foreign Vessel Fishing Regulations, CRC, c 815
Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations, SOR/90-351
Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987, SOR/87-509
Marine Mammal Regulations, SOR/93-56
Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations, SOR/93-55
Meat and Poultry Products Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations, CRC, c 818
Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations, SOR/2002-222
Minister of the Environment as the Minister Responsible for the Administration and Enforcement of Subsections 36(3) to (6) of the Fisheries Act, Order Designating the, SI/2014-21
Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations, SOR/78-443
Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations, CRC, c 847
Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989, SOR/89-93
Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007, SOR/2007-237
Pacific Aquaculture Regulations, SOR/2010-270
Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations, 2007, SOR/2007-77
Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993, SOR/93-54
Pacific Hake Exemption Notice, SOR/86-750
Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations, CRC, c 828
Potato Processing Plant Liquid Effluent Regulations, CRC, c 829
Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations, SOR/92-269
Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990, SOR/90-214
Roe Herring Exemption Notice, CRC, c 837
Saskatchewan Fishery Regulations, 1995, SOR/95-233
Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations, SOR/2012-139
Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations Do Not Apply in Quebec, Order Declaring that the, SOR/2018-194
Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations Do Not Apply in Yukon, Order Declaring that the, SOR/2014-279
Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations, CRC, c 854
Fisheries Development Act
Fisheries Improvement Loans Act
Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act
Freshwater Fish Marketing Act
Great Lakes Fisheries Convention Act


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Last modified: 21-12-24
By: admin