Wild Animal Law of Canada
Livestock Industry Diversification Act (Alberta)(current to 01 August 2016)
Note Re Application of the Livestock Industry Diversification Act ('LIDA')
LIDA has is primarily a domestic animal statute, having only limited application to wildlife, as is noted below.
This law bears on the wildlife issues of:
The full current text of this legislation (including regulations) may be viewed at the Alberta statute website.______________________________________
LIDA is primarily a statute meant to facilitate an expansion of the province's food animal base away from cattle, swine and poultry to farming of imported species such as large non-indigenous game animals and ratite birds.
Apparently in order to prevent the statute being used to create private hunting reserves, LIDA specifically provides that hunting big game or a controlled animal (as defined in the Wildlife Act, see that module), or a diversified livestock animal in any 'diversified livestock farm' is prohibited [LIDA 18.01(1)]. There are exceptions for [LIDA 18.01(2)] control of depredation by black bear and cougar, other Wildlife Act-licensed depredation control, and pest control activities under the Agricultural Pests Act (see that module).