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Act and Regulations
||| Effect of failure to comply [Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, s.20(2) (Ont)]

Administrative Case Dicta - Non-Participation
|||Non-Attendence, Where Oral Hearing in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 7(1) - Effect of non-attendance at hearing after due notice] [#ADMIN]
|||Non-Participation or Failure to Contest, Where Written Hearing in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 7(2) - Same, written hearings] [#ADMIN]
|||Non-Participation or Failure to Contest, Where Electronic Hearing in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 7(3) - Same, electronic hearings] [#ADMIN]


Administrative Case Dicta - Notice of Hearing
|||Notice of Hearing [SPPA 6(1) - Notice of hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Statutory Authority for Hearing to be Cited [SPPA 6(2) - Statutory authority] [#ADMIN]

Content of Notice of Hearing by Type
|||Where Oral Hearing, Details and Caution Required [SPPA 6(3) - Oral hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Where Written Hearing - Details, Right to Contest and Caution Required in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 6(4) - Written hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Where Electronic Hearing - Details, Right to Contest (Where Non-procedural Issues) and Caution Required in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 6(5) - Electronic hearing] [#ADMIN]

Alternative Notice of Hearing
|||Advertisement or Other Notice [SPPA 24(1) - Notice, etc.] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Notice of Proposal

Administrative Case Dicta - O'Connor (Third Party Evidence)


Administrative Case Dicta - Oral Hearings
|||Definition of "Oral Hearing" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("oral hearing")] [#ADMIN]
|||Where Oral Hearing, Details and Caution Required in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 6(3) - Oral hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Non-Attendence, Where Oral Hearing in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 7(1) - Effect of non-attendance at hearing after due notice] [#ADMIN]

Public Access
|||Public Access, Attendence at Oral Hearing [SPPA 9(1) - Hearings to be public, exceptions] [#ADMIN]
|||Control of Process ('Maintenance of Order') Orders and Directions, Oral or Electronic Hearing; Enforcement [SPPA 9(2) - Maintenance of order at hearings] [#ADMIN]

|||Rights of Evidence, Testimony, Cross-Examination and Submissions - Where Oral or Electronic Hearing [SPPA 10.1 - Examination of witnesses] [#ADMIN]


Administrative Case Dicta - Orders
SPPA Guide Ch.7 - Orders

Final Orders and Service
SPPA Guide Ch.15: Service of Decisions
|||Final Orders and Decisions In Writing, and Reasons On Request [SPPA 17(1) - Decision] [#ADMIN]
|||Notice of Decision, with Reasons If Issued; Service [SPPA 18(1) - Notice of decision] [#ADMIN]
|||Mail Service [SPPA 18(2) - Use of mail] [#ADMIN]
|||Electronic Service [SPPA 18(3) - Use of electronic or telephone transmission] [#ADMIN]
|||s.25.1 Tribunal Rules re Other Service [SPPA 18(4) - Use of other method] [#ADMIN] [s.25.1 Tribunal Rules Required]
|||Where Good Faith Non-Delivery [SPPA 18(5) - Failure to receive copy] [#ADMIN]

Interim/Interlocutory Orders
SPPA Case Dicta - Interim Orders [s.16.1]
Administrative Case Dicta - Interim Orders
Administrative Case Dicta - Interlocutory Orders
|||Interim Orders and Decisions [SPPA 16.1(1) - Interim decisions and orders] [#ADMIN]
|||Conditions on Interim Orders and Decisions [SPPA 16.1(2) - Conditions] [#ADMIN]
|||Reasons Not Required for Interm Orders and Decisions [SPPA 16.1(3) - Reasons] [#ADMIN]

Money Orders
|||Money Orders [SPPA 17(2) - Interest] [#ADMIN]

Alternative Notice of Decision
|||Advertisement or Other Notice [SPPA 24(1) - Notice, etc.] [#ADMIN]
|||Contents of Advertisement or Other Notice [SPPA 24(2) - Contents of notice] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Correction to Orders
|||Correction of Order or Decision [SPPA 21.1 - Correction of errors] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Panels
|||Panel Appointments [SPPA 4.2(1) - Panels, certain matters] [#ADMIN]
|||Special Interests from Others Acts and Regs [SPPA 4.2(2) - Assignments] [#ADMIN]
|||Majority Rules [SPPA 4.2(3) - Decision of panel] [#ADMIN]
|||Chair May Appoint One Member [SPPA 4.2.1(1) - Panel of one] [#ADMIN]
|||Chair May Appoint Less if Parties Consent [SPPA 4.2.1(2) - Reduction in number of panel members] [#ADMIN]

|||Parties by Statute or Common Law [SPPA 5 - Parties] [#ADMIN]
|||Meaning of 'Person' [SPPA 1(2) - Meaning of “person” extended] [#ADMIN]
|||Definition of "Municipality" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("municipality")] [#ADMIN]
|||Definition of "Statutory Power of Decision" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("statutory power of decision")] [#ADMIN]
|||Definition of "Licence"[SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("licence")] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Policy Directives

PRE-HEARING CONFERENCES [SPPA s.25.1 Tribunal Rules Required]
Administrative Case Dicta - Pre-Hearing Conferences
SPPA Guide Ch.13: Pre-Hearing Conferences
|||Pre-Hearing Conferences, Tribunal s.25.1 Rules Required [SPPA 5.3(1) - Pre-hearing conferences] [#ADMIN]
|||Pre-Hearing Conferences Direction Subject to Other Jurisdictions [SPPA 5.3(1.1) - Other Acts and regulations] [#ADMIN]
|||Chair May Appoint Member or Other Person to Preside [SPPA 5.3(2) - Who presides] [#ADMIN]
|||Presiding Member May Make Procedural Orders [SPPA 5.3(3) - Orders] [#ADMIN]
|||If Member Presides Where Settlement an Issue, They Shall Not Hear Without Consent [SPPA 5.3(4) - Disqualification] [#ADMIN]
|||Pre-Hearing Conferences Can Be By Electronic Hearing [see "Electronic Hearings", above] [SPPA 5.3(5) - Application of s. 5.2] [#ADMIN]

|||Definition of "Proceeding" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("proceeding")] [#ADMIN]


Administrative Case Dicta- Public Access to Hearings
SPPA Case Dicta - Public Access [s.9]

By Type of Hearing
|||Public Access, Attendence at Oral Hearing [SPPA 9(1) - Hearings to be public, exceptions] [#ADMIN]
|||Public Access, Documents in Written Hearing [SPPA 9(1.1) - Written hearings] [#ADMIN]
|||Public Access, Attendence at Electronic Hearing [SPPA 9(1.2) - Electronic hearings] [#ADMIN]

|||No Recording, Publishing, Broadcasting etc at Hearing or Surroundings [SPPA 29(1) - Prohibition on photographs, recordings, dissemination] [#ADMIN]
|||Limited Sketching, Audio Recording or Other Allowed [SPPA 29(2) - Non-application] [#ADMIN]
|||Offence re Prohibited Public Access [SPPA 29(3) - Offence and penalty] [#ADMIN]

Records [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA)[
||| Definitions - 'confidentiality order' [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.1(1) Interpretation (Ont)]
||| Adjudicative records public [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.2(1) (Ont)]
||| Confidentiality orders [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.2(2-4) (Ont)]
||| Rules Re Records [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.3(1-3) (Ont)]
||| Fees Re Record Access [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.4 (Ont)]
||| Enforcement of record confidentiality orders [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.5(1-3) (Ont)]

Administrative Case Dicta- Public Inquiries Act
Public Inquiries Act, 2009

Administrative Case Dicta - Reasons for Decision (+)
|||Final Orders and Decisions In Writing, and Reasons On Request [SPPA 17(1) - Decision] [#ADMIN]
|||Notice of Decision, with Reasons If Issued; Service [SPPA 18(1) - Notice of decision] [#ADMIN]
|||Reasons Not Required for Interm Orders and Decisions [SPPA 16.1(3) - Reasons] [#ADMIN]

RECONSIDERATIONS (REVIEWS) [SPPA s.25.1 Tribunal Rules Required]
Administrative Case Dicta - Reconsiderations (+)
Administrative Case Dicta - Reconsiderations and Appeal Timing
Administrative Case Dicta - Reconsiderations - Shearer v Oz Commentary
Administrative Case Dicta - Reconsideration - Done By Same Member
SPPA Guide Ch.17: Review of Orders
|||Reviews of Orders and Decisions, Tribunal s.25.1 Rules Required [SPPA 21.2(1) - Power to review] [#ADMIN]
|||Review Within Reasonable Time [SPPA 21.2(2) - Time for review] [#ADMIN]
|||If Conflict, Other Jurisdiction Prevails [SPPA 21.2(3) - Conflict] [#ADMIN]


Administrative Case Dicta - Record [SPPA s.20]
|||Record of Proceedings [SPPA 20 - Record of proceeding] [#ADMIN]

Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA)
||| Definitions [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.1(1) Interpretation (Ont)]
||| Adjudicative Records, Exclusions [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.1(2-3) (Ont)]
||| Disposal of Records [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.1(4) (Ont)]
||| Adjudicative records public [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.2(1) (Ont)]
||| Confidentiality orders [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.2(2-4) (Ont)]
||| Rules Re Records [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.3(1-3) (Ont)]
||| Fees Re Record Access [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.4 (Ont)]
||| Enforcement of record confidentiality orders [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.5(1-3) (Ont)]
||| Liability/Immunity for TARA Acts [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.6(1-2) (Ont)]
||| TARA Conflict of Laws [Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 (TARA), s.7 (Ont)]

REFUSAL TO PROCESS [SPPA s.25.1 Tribunal Rules Required]
Administrative Case Dicta - Refusal to Process
Administrative Case Dicta - Transcript
SPPA Guide Ch.19: Tribunal Refusal to Process
|||Refusal to Process Documents Commencing Proceeding [SPPA 4.5(1) - Decision not to process commencement of proceeding] [#ADMIN]
|||Notice on Refusal to Process [SPPA 4.5(2) - Notice] [#ADMIN]
|||Refusal to Process, Tribunal s.25.1 Rules Required [SPPA 4.5(3) - Rules under s. 25.1] [#ADMIN]
|||Refuse to Process, Other Jurisdiction [SPPA 4.5(4) - Continuance of provisions in other statutes] [#ADMIN]

Administrative - Re-Opening

Representation Case Dicta - Paralegals and Lay Representatives - Administrative Tribunals [SPPA 23(3)] [#REPRESENTATION]
|||Definition of "Representative" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("representative")] [#ADMIN]
|||Representation [SPPA 10 - Right to representation] [#ADMIN]
|||Witness Entitled to Representation Regarding Rights, Where Oral or Electronic Hearing [SPPA 11(1) - Rights of witnesses to representation] [#ADMIN]
|||Limitation, Witness Representation Where Closed Oral Hearing [SPPA 11(2) - Rights of witnesses to representation] [#ADMIN]
|||Representatives, Allowed and Where Excludable [SPPA 23(3) - Exclusion of representatives] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Service

Administrative Case Dicta - Stays Where SLAPP Issues in Administrative Proceedings


SPPA Guide Ch.2: When the SPPA Applies

Application of the SPPA
SPPA Case Dicta - Application of the Act [s.3(1)]
SPPA Case Dicta - Exemptions to Application of the Act [s.3(2)]
SPPA Case Dicta - Conflict [s.32]
|||Application of SPPA [SPPA 3(1) - Application of Act] [#ADMIN]
|||Definition of "Statutory Power of Decision" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("statutory power of decision")] [#ADMIN]
|||Application of SPPA, Exceptions [SPPA 3(2) - Where Act does not apply] [#ADMIN]
|||Conflict with the SPPA [SPPA 32 - Conflict] [#ADMIN]

Interpretation of the SPPA
|||Interpretation, SPPA and Tribunal Rules [SPPA 2 - Liberal construction of Act and rules] [#ADMIN]
|||Substantial Compliance with Forms, Notices or Documents Sufficient [SPPA 28 - Substantial Compliance] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Public-Interest Standing

Administrative Case Dicta - Statutory Interpretation

Judicial Review Case Dicta - Statutory Powers of Decision (+)
|||Definition of "Statutory Power of Decision" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("statutory power of decision")] [#ADMIN]

Appeals Case Dicta - Stay Pending Appeal
|||Automatic Stay on Appeal [SPPA 25(1) - Appeal operates as stay, exception] [#ADMIN]
|||Judicial Review is Not Appeal for Automatic Stay Purposes [SPPA 25(2) - Same (Appeal operates as stay, exception)] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Summary Dismissal
SPPA Guide Ch.20: Summary Dismissal for Cause
|||Summary Dismissal (Without Hearing) [SPPA 4.6(1) - Dismissal of proceeding without hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Service of Notice of Intention Required [SPPA 4.6(2) - Notice] [#ADMIN]
|||Notice to Contain Reasons and Written Hearing Right [SPPA 4.6(3) - Same (Notice)] [#ADMIN]
|||Written Submissions Right [SPPA 4.6(4) - Right to make submissions] [#ADMIN]
|||Prerequisites of Summary Dismissal [SPPA 4.6(5) - Dismissal] [#ADMIN]
|||Summary Dismissal, Tribunal s.25.1 Rules Required [SPPA 4.6(6) - Rules] [#ADMIN]
|||Summary Dismissal, Other Jurisdiction [SPPA 4.6(7) - Continuance of provisions in other statutes] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Summons
|||Summons [SPPA 12(1) - Summonses] [#ADMIN]
|||Summons Form and Signature [SPPA 12(2) - Form and service of summons] [#ADMIN]
|||Summons Personally Served [SPPA 12(3) - Same (Form and service of summons) Oral hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Summons Fees and Allowances [SPPA 12(3.1) - Fees and allowances] [#ADMIN] [See: Kilometre Allowances and Superior Court of Justice and Court of Appeal - Fees] [#ADMIN]
|||Bench Warrant by Judge on Summons Default [SPPA 12(4) - Bench warrant] [#ADMIN]
|||Bench Warrant Apprehension [SPPA 12(4.1) - Same (Bench warrant)] [#ADMIN]
|||Proof of Service of Summons for Bench Warrant [SPPA 12(5) - Proof of service] [#ADMIN]
|||Fact Certificate for Bench Warrant Where Tribunal Applies [SPPA 12(6) - Certificate of facts] [#ADMIN]
|||Fact Affidavit for Bench Warrant Where Party Applies [SPPA 12(7) - Same (Certificate of facts)] [#ADMIN]
|||Stating Case to Divisional Court for Contempt Where Summons Default [SPPA 13(1) - Contempt proceedings] [#ADMIN]
|||Cabinet May Make Forms for Summons [SPPA 26 - Regulations] [#ADMIN]

|||Time Frame Guidelines Required [SPPA 16.2 - Time frames] [#ADMIN]


Administrative Case Dicta - Tribunals - General
SPPA Case Dicta - "Tribunal" (Definition) [s.1(1)]
Administrative Case Dicta - Independence of Adjudicators
Administrative Case Dicta - 'They Who Hear, Decide'
Administrative Case Dicta - Functus Officio
SPPA Guide Ch.1: Tribunals and Their Rules
SPPA Guide Ch.3: Tribunals
|||Definition of "Tribunal" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("tribunal")] [#ADMIN]

Related Websites
Tribunals Ontario website
Navigate Tribunals Ontario website

Chairperson, Tribunal
||| Chairperson [Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, s.20(1-2) (Ont)]
||| Application of Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, Management Board of Cabinet Act [Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, s.22 (Ont)]

Members, Tribunal
|||Where Member Appointment Expires During Hearing [SPPA 4.3 - Expiry of Term] [#ADMIN]
|||Incapacity of Members [SPPA 4.4(1) - Incapacity of member] [#ADMIN]
|||Incapacity of Members, Exception [SPPA 4.4(2) - Other Acts and regulations] [#ADMIN]
||| Appointment to Adjudicative Tribunals [Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, s.14(1-5) (Ont)]
||| Application of Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, Management Board of Cabinet Act [Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, s.22 (Ont)]

Staff, Tribunal
||| Conflict with Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, Ethics Plan [Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009, s.6(4) (Ont)]

SPPA Case Dicta - Tribunal s.25.1 Rules
SPPA Guide Ch.1: Tribunals and Their Rules
SPPA Guide Ch.10: s.25.1 Tribunal Authority
|||Interpretation, Tribunal Rules Made Under s.25.1 [SPPA 2 - Liberal construction of Act and rules] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal May Make Practice and Procedure Rules (s.25.1) [SPPA 25.1(1) - Rules] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal Rules (s.25.1) May Be General or Particular [SPPA 25.1(2) - Application] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal Rules (s.25.1) to be Consistent With Statutes [SPPA 25.1(3) - Consistency with Acts] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal Rules (s.25.1) Publically Available [SPPA 25.1(4) - Public access] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal Rules (s.25.1) Are Not Regulations [SPPA 25.1(5) - Legislation Act, 2006, Part III] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal Rule Power, Other Jurisdiction Survives [SPPA 25.1(6) - Legislation Act, 2006, Part III] [#ADMIN]
|||Tribunal Rules or Guidelines Available to Public [SPPA 27 - Rules, etc., available to public] [#ADMIN]

Administrative Case Dicta - Waiver
|||Waiver of Rules [SPPA 4(1) - Waiver of procedural requirement] [#ADMIN]
|||Waiver of s.25.1 Rules [SPPA 4(2) - Same, rules] [#ADMIN]
|||Consent to Dispose of Proceeding Without Hearing [SPPA 4.1 - Disposition without hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Chair May Appoint Less if Parties Consent [SPPA 4.2.1(2) - Reduction in number of panel members] [#ADMIN]

WRITTEN HEARINGS [SPPA s.25.1 Tribunal Rules Required]

Administrative Case Dicta - Written Hearings
SPPA Guide Ch.11: Written and Electronic Hearings
|||Definition of "Written Hearing" [SPPA 1(1) - Interpretation ("written hearing")] [#ADMIN]
|||Written Hearings, Tribunal s.25.1 Rules Required [SPPA 5.1(1) - Written hearings] [#ADMIN]
|||Exception, Where Good Reason [SPPA 5.1(2) - Exception] [#ADMIN]
|||5.1(2) Not Applicable for Procedural Matters [SPPA 5.1(2.1) - Same (Exception)] [#ADMIN]
|||All Parties Entitled to Receive Same Documents as Tribunal [SPPA 5.1(3) - Documents] [#ADMIN]

Notice of Hearings and Non-Participation
|||Where Written Hearing - Details, Right to Contest and Caution Required in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 6(4) - Written hearing] [#ADMIN]
|||Non-Participation or Failure to Contest, Where Written Hearing in Notice of Hearing [SPPA 7(2) - Same, written hearings] [#ADMIN]

Public Access
|||Public Access, Documents in Written Hearing [SPPA 9(1.1) - Written hearings] [#ADMIN]


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Last modified: 25-07-24
By: admin