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JR - SOR - Exceptions - Constitutional (2)

. Thibault and Ramsay v. Attorney General of Ontario

In Thibault and Ramsay v. Attorney General of Ontario (Ont Divisional Ct, 2025) the Divisional Court dismissed a JR, this challenging part of an Ontario regulation [Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, 2021 (TSSEA, 2021), Reg. 167/23] on charter and ultra vires grounds. The regulation provision [Reg. 167/23, s.2(d)(i)] challenged disqualified a person from holding a "tow certificate, tow driver certificate or vehicle storage certificate" if "the person is subject to a court order, conditions of parole or an undertaking to a peace officer prohibiting him or her from, ... possessing a weapon".

The court here simply states the JR SOR for 'Charter issues':
[36] The standard of review for the Charter issues is correctness.
. Brisco v. Ontario Civilian Police Commission [IMPORTANT]

In Brisco v. Ontario Civilian Police Commission (Ont Divisional Ct, 2025) the Divisional Court dismissed a police officer's JR, here against "a decision of the Ontario Civilian Police Commission, which upheld a hearing officer’s finding that he engaged in misconduct for making a donation to what the hearing officer found to be illegal protests in Ottawa and Windsor" and related penalty.

Here the court nicely states the tricky JR SOR treatment for Charter issues - ie. the correctness exception for 'determination/application' of the Charter, but still the reasonableness standard for Charter 'balancing':
[12] The standard of review for whether the Commission failed to recognize the Charter value of freedom of assembly is correctness: York Region District School Board v. Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, 2024 SCC 22, 492 D.L.R. (4th) 613, at paras. 63, and 69. However, the parties agree the balancing of Charter values is reviewable on a reasonableness standard: Doré, at paras. 43-54; Commission scolaire francophone des Territoires du Nord-Ouest v. Northwest Territories (Education, Culture and Employment), 2023 SCC 31, 487 D.L.R. (4th) 631, at para. 60.


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Last modified: 22-02-25
By: admin