Note: Last legislation update was 20 June 2021. Other Statutes and Regulations referred to in this Guide may not be regularly updated. Cases have been integrated (where relevant) as per the below chart.
UPDATING [as noted at 13 Jan 2023]
>>>>> Courts of Justice Act (RSO 1990, s.43) [s.22-33.1] [nil]
258/98 (Rules of the Small Claims Court) [TO DO: CTR 22 JL 22 - 1] [TO DO: 521/22]
186/90 (Designation of Regions) [nil]
188/90 (Duties of Clerks and Bailiffs at Small Claims Court) [nil]
53/01 (Bilingual Proceedings) [TO DO: 677/21]
626/00 (Small Claims Court Jurisdiction and Appeal Limit) [nil]