Civil and Administrative Litigation Opinions for Self-Reppers
Simon's Favourite Charity - Little Friends Lefkada (Greece) Cat and Dog Rescue
Welfare (Ontario Works) Legal Guide (20 June 2021) UPDATING Statutes and Regulations Legislation and AmendmentsCurrent toONTARIO WORKS ACT (SO 1997, c.25, Sch.A)2020, c. 7, Sched. 4, s. 17Reg 134/98 (General)255/21Reg 135/98 (Administration and Cost-Sharing)393/18Reg 136/98 (Designation of Geographic Areas and Delivery Agents)58/19Reg 564/05 (Prescribed Policy Statements)399/18 Note: Last legislation update was 20 June 2021. Other Statutes and Regulations referred to in this Guide may not be regularly updated. UPDATING [as noted at 10 Jan 2023] Statutes Ontario Works Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 25, Sched. A [TO DO: 2021, c. 25, Sched. 21, s. 1-20, 22.] [Sched 21: s.4-16,18(3)-(6),19-20 PROCLAIMED Sept 1, 2023 (at 30 Aug 2023)] [TO DO: 2023, c. 15, Sched. 7.] Regulations 134/98 General [TO DO: 719/21] [TO DO: 266/22] [TO DO: 278/22] [TO DO: 303/22] [TO DO: 432/22] [TO DO: 53/23] [TO DO: 303/23] [TO DO: 167/24] 135/98 Administration and Cost-Sharing [TO DO: 304/23] [TO DO: 341/24] 136/98 (Designation of Geographic Areas and Delivery Agents) [nil] 564/05 Prescribed Policy Statements [nil]
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