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8. Other Exemptions from Income

(a) Rent Received From a Child or Grandchild in Receipt of Social Assistance

Where a recipient provides accomodation to a child or grandchild of the recipient (or their spouse) in the benefit unit, and where the child or grandchild is a recipient of either welfare or ODSP on their own (ie. within a separate benefit unit), then money received for rent or boarding is not chargeable income to the parent or grandparent [Reg s.39(2)]. (see s.4(f): "Rent Paid to a Claimant: Income Exemption For Children and Grandchildren on Social Assistance on their Own", above).

Note however that such co-resident children who are on welfare (Ontario Works) are not able to collect any shelter component in their assistance (see the welfare program at Ch.3, s.12: "Assistance: Living with Parents").

(b) Hardship Payouts under Pension Benefits Act

Under some circumstances (financial hardship) persons may access pension funds otherwise "locked-in" under the provincial Pension Benefits Act. While there is no legal duty to access these funds under the general social assistance "duty to realize available assets", their income and asset chargeability treatment WHEN the funds are in fact accessed is less clear.

See Ch.8, s.6: "Asset Rules: Duty to Realize Available Financial Resources" for a fuller discussion of these issues, and the income and asset treatment of such monies.

(c) Personal Injury-Type Awards

The following personal injury-type payments are exempt from income chargeability [Reg s.43(1)]:
  • damages or compensation for pain and suffering from injury or death to a member of the benefit unit (also known as "general damages"), and actual and future expenses related to such injury or death (also known as "special damages" and "disbursements") [Reg s.43(1)4];

    This income exemption does not apply to past 'non-earner benefits' (NEB or NEB-like) auto insurance awards made under their various manifestations through the following sequential SABS provisions [Reg 43(3)]:

    • Subsections 13 (1), (2), (3), (7) and (8) of Regulation 672 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario 1990 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule — Accidents before January 1, 1994) made under the Insurance Act ["Benefits if No Income"].

    • Section 19 of Ontario Regulation 776/93 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule — Accidents after December 31, 1993 and before November 1, 1996) made under the Insurance Act ["Other Disability Benefits"].

    • Section 12 of Ontario Regulation 403/96 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule — Accidents on or after November 1, 1996) made under the Insurance Act ["Non-Earner Benefits"].

    • Section 12 of Ontario Regulation 34/10 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule — Effective September 1, 2010) made under the Insurance Act ["Non-Earner Benefits"]

  • "dependent" damage awards under the Family Law Act to compensate for loss of guidance, care and companionship as a result of death or injury [Reg s.43(1)4.1]; and

  • amounts received as compensation for non-economic loss under section 46 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 or section 42 of the Workers' Compensation Act ("NEL" awards) [Reg s.41(13)] [see s.7(a): "Payments from Ontario"].
The most common use of this exemption is when a motor vehicle claim is settled or won at trial [see s.11(a) "Motor Vehicle Accident Settlements and Awards", below].

Note as well that the Director will require that such income - in order to be treated as non-chargeable - be set out in an annual report filed by the recipient documenting "all income and expense transactions relating to the assets for the year" [Reg s.43(5)].

The issue of the income treatment of interest accruing on lump sum pain and suffering awards is discussed in s.11(d) ["Common Income Situations: Interest on Retroactive Lump Sum Payments"], below.

(d) Special Agreements

Payments from the following settlement agreements are exempt from treatment as income [Reg.43(1) paras.5,14,16,17]:
  • The Helpline Reconciliation Model Agreement;

  • The Multi-Provincial/Territorial Assistance Program Agreement;

  • The Grandview Agreement;

  • Ontario Hepatitis C Assistance Plan (applies where recipient contracted the disease before 01 January 1996 and after 30 June 1990);

  • lump sum payments received under the 1986-1990 Hepatitis C Settlement Agreement of 15 June 1999, except payments for loss of income or loss of support(applies where recipient contracted the disease between 1986 and 1990);

  • A payment received under the Pre-1986/Post-1990 Hepatitis C Settlement Agreement (December 14, 2006), except those: for loss of income under section 2.05 of the Agreement, loss of services under section 2.06 of the Agreement and compensation to dependants under section 4.04 of the Agreement;

  • Walkerton Compensation Plan, except payments for future loss of income;

  • the Government of Alberta as compensation for sterilization;

  • amounts received as compensation (except compensation for loss of income) related to a claim of abuse sustained at an Indian residential school, including compensation received under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement;

  • "personal credits" under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement;

  • Payments from the Settlement Fund in the Rideau Regional Centre class action;

  • Payments from the Settlement Fund in the Southwestern Regional Centre class action;

  • Payments received by a class member under the Settlement Agreement in the class action Clegg v Ontario (2016) [Reg 43(1)18.4];

  • Payment received by a class member under the Sixties Scoop Settlement Agreement [Reg 43(1)18.5];

  • Payment received by a class member under the Settlement Agreement in the Federal Indian Day Schools class action. [Reg 43(1)18.6].
(e) Administrator-Approved Expenditures

Income received from the sale or disposition of an asset that has been put towards, or - if the Director approves - will be put towards [Reg s.43(1) para.6]:
  • purchase of a principal residence by a member of and for the use of the benefit unit;

  • assets which are, in the opinion of ODSP, necessary for the health or welfare of a member of the benefit unit;

  • the purchase of an asset that is an "exempt asset" for the purposes of determining asset maximums (See Ch.8: "Asset Rules"); or

  • the purchase of an asset that does not put the recipient over the asset cap (see Ch.8 "Asset Rules").
Also exempt from income chargeability are "payments from a trust or from a life insurance policy, gifts or other voluntary payments" or payments "made pursuant to a court order or under a government funded program" that - assuming they are not otherwise reimbused - have been put towards, or - if the Director approves - will be put towards [Reg 43(1)9,9.1]:
  • expenses for disability related items or services for a member of the benefit unit;

  • disability-related education or training expenses.
(f) Twelve-Month $10,000 Income Exemption

ODSP treats the following income as non-chargeable, if received in any twelve-month "running period", to a total amount of $10,000 [Reg s.43(1)13]:
  • trusts pay-outs;

  • life insurance policies;

  • gifts, and

  • other "voluntary payments".
A twelve-month "running period" does not correspond to a calendar year, but counts back twelve months from any date being considered. For instance, if you are looking at this income exemption at 18 February 2009, consider such payments between 19 February 2008 and 18 February 2009.

For example, assume the present date is 01 July 2009 and the recipient received $8,000 cash gift in August of 2008 and a $3,750 trust payment in May 2009. Under these facts the recipient has exceeded their $10,000 annual income exemption by $1,750, which surplus will be treated as chargeble income. Further, any more such payments in July 2009 will also be fully chargeable (unless otherwise exempt).

However assume the same facts but change the present date to September 2009. Then the recipient has $6,250 "available" in their exemption because only the May 2009 trust payment of $3,750 "counts" against them - the August 2008 payment now being more than twelve months ago.

What the recipient must do is constantly keep in mind how much of this exemption has been "used" in the past twelve month as a "running" total.

As mentioned in Ch.6: "Information Eligibility", it is safest as a general rule to clearly report any amounts received so that ODSP might make its determination as to how to treat such monies. While this might result in reduction, suspension or cancellation of income support, a failure to do so runs the additional risk of overpayment assessment - and even criminal fraud charges. If the recipient disagrees with ODSP's treatment of the income it should then be pursued through the appeal system (see Ch.12: "Appeals and Other Remedies").

(g) Religious, Charitable and Benevolent Donations

Donations from "religious, charitable or benevolent organization" are exempt income [Reg s.43(1)7].
Before September 1, 2017 (when it was abolished) this exemption was subject to a complex limit, as follows.

First, there is a $100,000 trust asset exemption [see Ch.8, s.5 "Asset Rules: Trust Funds"] for the value of any testamentary and life insurance trusts, together with the cash surrender value (uncashed) of any life insurance policy.

The religious, charitable and benevolent donation income exemption limit was the amount of "room" left in this $100,000 asset exemption - but not counting the "usage" of the asset exemption for life insurance surrender value. So the calculation for the religious, charitable and benevolent donation income exemption was $100,000 minus the value of any chargeable testamentary or life insurance proceeds trusts [Reg s.43(4)]. Another way of stating this is: the "room" remaining in the asset exemption, once you eliminate any "room" used by the cash surrender value of any life insurance policies.
(g.1) Gifts and Voluntary Payments for Important Listed Purposes

Gifts and voluntary payments, if applied as soon as practicable for the purpose for which it was intended, are exempt income if received for [Reg 43(1)13.1]:
  • the purchase of a principal residence for the benefit unit;

  • the purchase of a first motor vehicle, and/or up to $15,000 towards a second motor vehicle "that is required to permit a dependant to maintain employment outside the home" [Reg 28(1)6,7];

  • to pay first and last month's rent necessary to secure accomodation for the benefit unit.
(h) Home and Vehicle Modification Grants

The Ministry of Community and Social Services runs a program entitled the "Home and Vehicle Modification Program". Grants received under this program are exempt as income [Reg s.43(1)19].

(i) Disaster Relief Committee Payments

The Ministry of Housing runs a program entitled the "Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program". Payments from local committees under this program are exempt income, other than payments for loss of income [Reg s.43(1)21].

(j) Insurance Payments

Insurance-type payments can often be large and have a significant impact on a person's on-going eligibility with ODSP. It is normal for such awards to be handled by a lawyer who can properly structure the award or settlement to maximize ongoing ODSP eligibility, and to advise the recipient of the impact of the payments. Recipients anticipating such awards or settlements should seek the help of a lawyer PROMPTLY on becoming aware of the potential income.
. Insurance Payments on Loss

Pay-outs by insurance companies for "loss of or damage to real or personal property" - if the money is applied to - or with Director approval will be applied to any of the following [Reg s.43(1)20]:
  • purchase or repair of s.28 exempt assets (see Ch.8 "Asset Rules";

  • purchase or repair of any asset necessary for the health or welfare of a member of the benefit unit, as approved by the Director;

  • the purchase of repair of an asset whose ownership by members of the benefit unit does not put the benefit unit over the asset cap (see Ch.8 "Asset Rules");

  • additional living expenses, including temporary shelter costs, if insurance-covered damage renders the recipient's primary residence unfit for habitation; or

  • debt obligations of a member of the benefit unit.
. Life Insurance Payments on Death

Recipients receiving life insurance pay-outs should review "annual $5,000 income exemption" above, and the related asset trust provisions [Ch.8, s.6 "Asset Rules: Trust Funds"].

. Life Insurance Interest or Dividends

Also exempt as income are interest or dividends from life insurance policies that [Reg s.43(1)11]:
  • are re-invested in the policy,

  • are used to pay the policy premiums, or

  • if approved by the Director, used for disability related items or services, or disability-related education or training expenses.
Note as well that the Director will require that life insurance interest or dividends income - in order to be treated as non-chargeable - be set out in an annual report filed by the recipient documenting "all income and expense transactions relating to the assets for the year" [Reg s.43(5)].

. Personal Injury-Type Awards

Recipients claiming or receiving large scale personal-injury type damage awards or settlements, and similar WCB/WSIB (NEL) payments should review s.8(c) "Personal Injury-Type Awards" above, and the related asset provisions [Ch.8, s.3(i): "Asset Rules: Pain and Suffering Damages and Expense Awards"].

(k) Trust Income

. Trust Principal Pay-outs

See the discussion of the "Twelve-Month $10,000 Income Exemption", s.8(f), above.

. Asset-Exempt Trust Income

Chapter 8, s.5: "Asset Rules: Trust Funds" discusses the $100,000 asset exemption for trust funds derived from testamentary (ie. will or estates) or life insurance proceeds. It is common for such trusts to provide for the payment to the beneficiary of interest accumulating on the "principal" sum of the trust, often on an annual basis.

This section discusses the treatment of "income" (typically "interest") from such trusts.

Income (typically interest) from such asset-exempt trusts is not chargeable if it is [Reg s.43(1)10]:
  • re-invested in the trust, or

  • if approved by the Director, used for disability related items or services, or disability-related education or training expenses.
Note as well that the Director will require that such trust income - in order to be treated as non-chargeable - be set out in an annual report filed by the recipient documenting "all income and expense transactions relating to the assets for the year" [Reg s.43(5)].

For the purposes of assessing such trust income (as opposed to "principal")treatment, pay-outs that are made on a periodic basis (eg. annually) will be attributed or "spread" over the months to which they apply. If such a report is filed as required then the income will be spread over the 12 months after the report is filed. If no report is filed then the income will be spread over the 12 months following the payment of the income [Reg s.43(6)].

. Income to Recipient AS Trustee

Occasionally a recipient or member of the benefit unit is a "trustee" for someone else (the "beneficiary"). While monies received and held for such a "beneficiary" are held in the name of the trustee, they are not really the trustee's money and are held only "beneficially" for the beneficiary. Such monies are not typically "available" (see the discussion of that term in Ch.8, s.5: "Asset Rules: Trust Funds") to the ODSP benefit unit and thus are neither their income or their assets.

ODSP will be particularly suspicious in such cases to ensure that such trust monies are not actually being used by the benefit unit. Situations where the beneficiary is WITHIN THE BENEFIT UNIT can be complex (as, depending on the terms of the trust deed, the funds MAY be available). In such cases the help of a lawyer should be sought.

A case factually-similar to that of a recipient AS trustee was Director (ODSP) v Favrod [2006] OJ #653 (QL) where an ODSP disabled adult recipient lived with her mother, where the mother was not herself receiving social assistance. The separated father made payments to the mother originally styled as "child support", which the Director wanted to deduct in accordance with normal practice that the support was being paid "on behalf" of the offspring. The Tribunal held - later supported by the court - that the "support" was in fact income to the mother to assist her as a care-giver with the extraordinary duties which she faced - and not income to the recipient, thus avoiding deduction of the income from the recipient's income support.

(l) Interest on Basic Exempt Assets

Chapter 8, s.2 (and 3): "Asset Rules" sets out the basic asset exemptions for ODSP recipients. Interest earned on such exempt basic assets is not chargeable income [Reg s.43(1)8].

(m) Payments for Non-Benefit Unit Child

Where members of the benefit unit receive monies for a child who is not a member of the benefit unit, and where such payments are approved by the Director, such payments are exempt income [Reg s.43(1)12]. Such payments might typically include monies paid where the recipient has temporary care of the child in arrangements with a Children's Aid Society of the Ministry (see the welfare program, Ch.3, s.11: "Basic Assistance: Minors in Temporary Care"), or where the recipient in acting as trustee under a private trust for a non-resident child (see "Income to Recipient AS Trustee", above).

(n) Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSPs) Income

In 2008, the Income Tax Act created RDSPs, which operate as a tax deferral mechanism similar to RRSPs.

Payments made to a recipient by third parties which are intended for RDSPs, which are applied to RDSPs within a reasonable time, AND which comply with Income Tax requirements respecting RDSPs - are exempt from chargeability as income [Reg s.43(1)15.4, 43(5.1)]. This is also the case with interest in an RDSP which is rolled-over back into it [Reg s.43(1)(15.5)].

Most significantly, withdrawals by a recipient from an RDSP are also exempt income (though they are taxable) [Reg s.43(1)15.6].

(o) Energy Efficiency Grant, Items or Services

The value of grants, payments, credits, services or items provided by or in accordance with a program funded by gas distribution utilities, local distribution companies, a municipality, the Independent Electricity System Operator, the Ontario Energy Board, the Government of Ontario or the Government of Canada, for the purposes of energy efficiency, conservation or affordability [Reg 43(1)25].

(p) Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children Settlement Agreement

Payments received by a class member from the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children Settlement Agreement.

(q) Child Support Payments

A child support payment made by a person who has an obligation to support a member of the benefit unit under the Family Law Act, the Divorce Act (Canada) or similar legislation in another jurisdiction.

(r) QPP Disabled Contributor's Child's Pension Payment

A disabled contributor’s child’s pension payment under the Act Respecting the Quebec Pension Plan (Quebec).

(s) Juror Fees and Allowances

A fee or allowance paid for attendance as a juror.

9. Loans as Income

(a) The Legal History of Loans as Income

(i) "Income" Defined

The issue of whether loans received by a recipient are "income" is a vexed one. No where does it plainly state in the present law that loans are "income". Instead, we have to try to figure it out from the general "income" definition, which states:
Reg 37(1)
... income [is] .... the total amount of all payments of any nature paid to or on behalf of or for the benefit of every member of the benefit unit ...

37(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), income shall include the monetary value of items and services provided to the members of the benefit unit as well as amounts of income deemed to be available to members of the benefit unit.
In my view, and in light of the following analysis, the strongest legal argument is that "loans" ARE income. The rest of subsection (a) is devoted to a discussion of that legal issue. What ODSP views as loans is discussed in sub-section (b) below, and chargeability exemptions from that are covered in subsection (c) below.

(ii) Rubino v Metro Toronto

In a 1992 court case, Rubino and Metro Toronto 11 OR (3d) 289 (Div Ct, 1992), the court considered this issue in the context of a private loan to a recipient under the old General Welfare Assistance Act - the predecessor to the Ontario Works Act. In that case a two-judge majority (a further judge disagreeing) held that the term "payments" does not, in normal usage, include loans - and therefore the court did not count loans received as chargeable income against the recipient.

The statutory wording that the court examined in Rubino was similar to the present wording, quoted above. I repeat it here:
.... the income of an applicant or recipient shall include all payments of any nature or kind whatsoever ...
It also included a further passage:
For the purposes of subsection (1) and without restricting the generality of subsection (1), income shall include,


3. subject to subsections (4) [revoked] and (7), all payments received under a mortgage, agreement for sale or loan agreement;
This second passage regarding mortgage, loan and similar payments is not repeated in the present ODSP legislation. In Rubino the court considered whether the mention of "payments" in that paragraph referred to loan advances (ie. the initial giving of the loan monies to the debtor) or loan payments (ie. repayment to the creditor). In so doing it examined dictionary definitions of the term "pay" and "payment".

In reaching it's conclusion that the term referred only to loan RE-payments given by the borrower BACK to the lender (and thus only chargeable if the recipient WERE the lender), the court applied the well-established statutory interpretation principles that statutory language should be given it's "ordinary and natural meaning" and that any ambiguity (uncertainty) in the interpretation of benefits-conferring legislation (as here) should go in favour of the benefits-recipient. This latter principle has been re-affirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of Rizzo v Rizzo Shoes [1998] 1 SCR 27.

(iii) 1993 Post-Rubino Amendments

The story continues. Shortly after Rubino (December 1993) the provincial cabinet amended the (then General Welfare Assistance Act) regulation to EXPRESSLY include loan amounts as income so that it read:
For the purposes of subsection (1) and without restricting the generality of subsection (1), income shall include,


15.2 proceeds of any loan except, with the approval of the welfare administrator, any portion that is applied or will be applied to the operation of a business;
The case of R v Adeti-Bastine [1998] OJ #5269 (QL)(OCJGD, 1998) considered this new wording. The defendant was charged with criminal fraud for collecting welfare while not declaring his student status or student loans. While the defendant raised Rubino in his defense, the court dismissed
this argument for several reasons.

The first was that the law applying to the case was the 1993 post-Rubino amended law, which included loans expressly within the definition of income (the court accepted that "proceeds of [a] loan" meant loan 'advances'). Secondly, a specific income exemption applied for the tuition, fees and books portion of student loans - implying (under an "implied exclusion" argument, see below) that any other component of student loans (such as living expenses) were "chargeable income". Thirdly, Adeti-Bastine was criminally liable just for failure to declare his student status, itself a fraudulent and disentitling omission.

(iv) Present Law and the Implied Exclusion Argument

However, the 1993 amendment was over thirteen years ago and since then the province re-drafted all of its social assistance legislation in 1997, creating the Ontario Works Act, the Ontario Disability Support Program Act and the new regulations under it. The new law has removed the express inclusion of loans within the definition of "income". This has greatly confused matters, raising the possibility that Rubino MAY now once again be good law as it applies to the definition of the key term: "payments" as it occurs in the present s.37(1) of the ODSP Regulation.

That said, the new ODSP general regulation does integrate some of the intent and language of the 1993 GWA amendment quoted above, though it has been re-located to the 'exclusions' portion of the regulation, which reads in the relevant part:
The following shall not be included in income:

1. That portion of a loan, approved by the administrator, that is,

i. applied or will be applied to the operation of a business,

ii. applied on an exceptional basis for medically necessary health related reasons if no other government program is available for the purpose,

iii. applied to expenses approved by the Director for disability related items or services,

iv. taken against a life insurance policy if that portion is or will be used for disability related items or services approved by the Director,

v. guaranteed under section 8 of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act or made under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act and, in either case, received by or on behalf of a student and relating to tuition, other compulsory fees, books, instructional supplies, transportation or child care for the purpose of the definition of "education costs" in subsection 1 (1) of Regulation 774 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Ontario Student Loans made before August 1, 2001) made under the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act or for the purpose of section 11 of Ontario Regulation 268/01 (Ontario Student Loans made after July 31, 2001) made under that Act,

vi. guaranteed under section 8 of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act or made under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, if, in either case, the proceeds are received by or on behalf of a student who is,

A. a part-time student,

B. a dependent adult who is not a spouse included in the benefit unit, or

C. a sole support student as defined in subsection 1 (1) of Regulation 774 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 made under the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act,

vii. applied or will be applied to the payment of first and last month"s rent necessary to secure accommodation for the benefit unit,

viii. applied or will be applied to the purchase of an asset exempt under subsection 28 (1), or

ix. applied to the purchase of household items necessary for the well-being of one or more members of the benefit unit and approved by the Director.
This extensive 'exempting' of some loan proceeds from chargeability opens up an "implied exclusion" argument to capture some or all loans as chargeable income. The 'implied exclusion' argument is a well-recognized principle of statutory interpretation that says the present regulation, by expressly making some loans exempt within s.43(1), logically and necessarily implies that all others are chargeable.

Unfortunately, the implied exclusion issue was not considered in argument in Rubino, and was not reflected in either the majority or the dissenting judgment. It may not have been available under the wording of the law that existed at that time.

The principle was however applied by the court in R v Adeti-Bastine, along with other arguments, to capture non-exempt student loans within chargeable income. Whether it will be extended beyond student loans, or defeated by the ambiguity principle from Rizzo, is an open issue.
While not entirely on point, another case does bear mentioning here. In R v Maldonado [1998] OJ #3209 (QL) OCJ - Prov Div), the criminal court considered a similar fact situation in a charge of criminal fraud against a person who received both welfare and student loans at the same time. The court in Maldonado mentioned the principle in Rubino only in passing as it too dealt with the 1993 amended regulation. Nonetheless the court dismissed the charge, finding that an element of the fraud offence, that of knowing that the government would be deprived of money, was missing - as the defendant did not know that the student money was chargeable income. The court took great care to distinguish this from a 'ignorance of the law' defence, which is barred under the criminal code.

The Maldonado case is essential reading for any criminal lawyer dealing with a social assistance fraud case (see Ch.14 "Fraud and Prosecutions").
(v) Summary

In summation, the legal status of loans as chargeable income remains unclear - although in my view the stronger argument is that loans are NOW chargeable income, unless expressly exempted (as below).

It is unfortunate that this crucial issue has not been made clear in law, as it was for a time after Rubino. It will be for a future court to resolve the conflict between competing principles of statutory interpretation. In the meantime recipients should be cautioned not to reach their own conclusions on this issue and act on them unilaterally. By far the safer course is to report all income - from loans advances, repayments or otherwise - and challenge any unfavourable interpretations through the proper appeal mechanisms of the Social Benefits Tribunal (see Ch.10 "Appeals and Other Remedies").

(b) Types of Loans

The complex forms of today's personal finances can strain the definition of what is and isn't a loan. That said, ODSP views the following a "loans", and subject to general chargeability unless avoided by the exemptions listed below:
  • conventional loans (eg. a fixed amount of cash from any sources: bank, credit union, even private);

  • credit card use (measured by the amount of outstanding credit card bills);

  • lines of credit use ("planned overdrafts");

  • unplanned overdrafts;

  • conditional (time payment) sales agreements. Such as buying furniture or appliances on 'buy now/pay later' terms.
  • True "debit cards", where monies are deducted directly from an account would not be "loans" as they are equivalent to cash expenditures.

    With respect to the last item (conditional sales agreements) recall that "income shall include the monetary value of items and services provided to the members of the benefit unit" [Reg s.37(2)].

    If one accepts the basic premise that loans are income, it seems reasonable to include all these various forms of credit as "loans".

    (c) Exempt Loan Income

    Again, on the assumption that loans generally are chargeable income (which is plainly the legal position of the ODSP Director), this sub-section reviews what loan income is treated as exempt from income "chargeability".

    Note that any income - loan, grant or otherwise - relating to students or education is covered in s.10 "Student and Education Related Income", below.

    These loan exemptions were listed in the quote from s.43 of the Regulation above. They include that portion of a loan, as approved by the Director:
    • for the present for future operation of a business;

    • on an exceptional basis, for medically necessary health related reasons if no other government program covers the need;

    • for the payment of first and last month's rent necessary to secure accommodation for the benefit unit;

    • for disability-related items or services, including where such loans are taken against life insurance policies;

    • for the purchase of any asset that is an exempt asset under ODSP law (see Ch.8 "Asset Rules"); and

    • for the purchase of household items necessary for the well-being of one or more members of the benefit unit.
    As well - a loan, forgiven loan or contribution received from the "Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program" under the National Housing Act (Canada) is exempt income [Reg s.42(13)].

    Note that most of the exemptions are defined by the "purpose" of the loan. In all such cases therefore it is advisable to obtain the Director's position on the treatment of the "loan" beforehand.

    10. Student and Education-Related Income

    (a) Overview

    Before exploring student and education-related income treatment it is worth noting that ODSP recipients, unlike welfare (Ontario Works) recipients, are generally free to enrol and attend school programs without impact on their eligibility (something which should be mentioned in any ODSP medical eligibility appeal before the Social Benefits Tribunal). Welfare recipients who are single (ie. non-spousal) full-time students of post-secondary schools (eg. community colleges and universities) are INELIGIBLE for welfare if they are receiving either an OSAP or a Canada Student loan, OR if they are not eligible for such a loan due to parental income or past default in payment of such loans [Reg s.9] (see the welfare program at Ch.2 "Claimants: Post Secondary Students").

    On this topic note that dependent adult students [but NOT spouses] within an ODSP benefit unit - if they have student funding eligibility - are obliged to pursue it under the 'duty to realize available financial resources' rules (see Ch.8, s.6: "Asset Rules: Duty to Realize Available Resources") [Reg s.11(2)(b)].

    The chargeability treatment of student funding once received is as set out in this section.

    (b) Student and Education-Related Income Treatment

    The following student loans, or portions thereof, are exempt income:
    • provincial and federal government-guaranteed student loans, but ONLY the portions for tuition, compulsory fees, books, instructional materials, transportation and child care [Reg s.43(1)1(v)];

    • any portions of government-guaranteed student loans to:

      - part-time students,
      - dependent adults in the benefit unit,
      - single parents [Reg s.43(1)1(vi)];

    • other Director-approved loans for training or post-secondary education of a member of the benefit unit that are or will be promptly applied to the cost of tuition, fees, books, instructional supplies, equipment, transportation or child care for the intended program [Reg s.43(1)2.1].
    In addition, some non-loans are exempt as well:
    • provincial awards or grants from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development to post-secondary students [Reg s.43(1)2];

    • a bursaries granted under the Education Act to a full-time secondary student [Reg s.43(1)3];

    • other Director-approved awards or grants for training or post-secondary education that are or will be applied to the cost of tuition, fees, books, instructional supplies, equipment, transportation or child care for the intended program [Reg 43(1)2.1].

    • interest earned from and reinvested into a Registered Education Savings Plan [Reg s.43(1)15] (see Ch.8 "Asset Rules" for the exempt asset status of such Plans).

    • A "Canada Education Savings Grant". These grants are paid directly into Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) [Reg s.42(11).

    • a gift or voluntary payment received for the purpose of making a contribution to a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), if the gift or payment is so applied promptly [Reg s.43(1)15.1];

    • an "Educational Assistance Payment" received from a RESP or a payment of contributions from a RESP to the subscriber or to the recipient that is or will promptly be applied by the recipient to the cost of tuition, other compulsory fees, books, instructional supplies and equipment or transportation and post-secondary education expenses related to the person's disability, approved by the Director [Reg s.43(1)15.2,15.3].
    (c) Earnings and Training Income (Dependents)

    Earnings and training allowances of dependent adults (see Ch.2 "Claimants") who are in a full-time secondary school attendence, or who are attending a training program, are exempt income [Reg s.38(1)4].

    Training allowances of dependent children (see Ch.2), are exempt income [Reg s.38(1)] (as for that matter are any earnings of dependent children).

    (d) Earnings and Training Income of Post-Secondary Students (Any Benefit Unit Member)

    Commencing 01 April 2009 earnings of a post-secondary education student, or amounts paid to such a student under a training program, are exempt income if ALL of the following conditions are met [Reg 38(7)]:
    • the income is paid during school attendence or earned or paid within 16 weeks preceding attendence (commonly, summer earnings);

    • the program of study is either:

      - approved for student loans eligibility under s.7 of Reg 268/01 under the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act

      [Note: this does not mean that a student loan has been received by the student for the program, just that the program is one approved by the Ministry generally for student loan eligibility];


      - at an education institution approved under s.8 of Reg 268/01 that prepares the student for application for registration by a regulated profession under Schedule 1 of the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act, 2006 OR Schedule 1 of the Regulated Health Professionals Act;


    • the course load of the student is at least:

      - where the student is a non-disabled dependent spouse, dependent child or dependent adult in the benefit unit, 60% of a full course load,


      - where the student is disabled (ie. a "person with a disability" under s.4 of the ODSP Act, or of equivalent status: See Ch.9: "Person With a Disability"), 40% of a full course load.
    Note that, unlike the related asset exemption [see Ch.8, s.3(s)], there is no requirement that the income be USED for the education purpose.

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    Last modified: 11-01-23
    By: admin