Reasons - Brief Adoption of Lower Court/Tribunal Reasons
. Northbridge General Insurance Corporation v. Jevco Insurance Company
In Northbridge General Insurance Corporation v. Jevco Insurance Company (Ont CA, 2025) the Ontario Court of Appeal engages in something I have only seen used regularly before at the SCC, which is the brief adoption of reasons from the lower court or tribunal with which they agree - rather than to explain the issues themselves in detail:
[1] This is an appeal from the judgment of Perell J., dismissing an appeal from an arbitrator’s decision determining an insurance priority dispute. The appellant raises numerous issues with Perell J.’s decision, including whether, in the circumstances of this case, he erred in finding that the arbitrator owed no deference to the Licence Appeal Tribunal, and whether he erred in deciding that the arbitrator made no error in reaching his conclusion that the truck insured by the appellant was involved in an “accident”.
[2] We see no error in the reasons for judgement and are in substantial agreement with those reasons.
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